Top notch event experiences for remarkable results

Sparkup is a comprehensive virtual, hybrid and in-person event platform to create premium, engaging attendee experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Request a demo Sparkup All-in-one event management platform

The Go-To Platform for world-class enterprises, agencies, associations, schools and universities

Sparkup x Nestlé Sparkup x Saint-Gobain Sparkup x American Express Sparkup x Mercedes-Benz Sparkup x Dell Sparkup x L'Oréal

Reimagine all your events, whatever the format

Craft exceptional attendee experiences for virtual, hybrid, and physical events alike.

Virtual Events

Re-enchant the virtual experience with professional quality live video and unique interactive tools designed to give your participants a genuine sense of presence.

Hybrid Events

Engage both your in-person and remote participants simultaneously with shared interactive experiences and personalized journeys.

In-Person Events

Offer premium experiences with seamless check-in processes, personalized badge printing, and tools designed to enhance audience involvement.

Premium Webinars

Host highly personalized and interactive webinars that leave a lasting impression and help grow your business.

Deliver must-attend experiences for your participants, that drive results for your organization

Sparkup fully branded events

Stunning fully-branded events and webinars

Customize your event's every detail for a consistent, unforgettable brand journey from start to finish.

  • Craft branded websites and registration pages for your events.
  • Send branded, targeted emails.
  • Seamlessly integrate your logo, brand colors, and backgrounds into your event broadcasts and interactions.
Audience engagement with Sparkup

Content that feels alive and that deeply engages

Turn passive viewers into active participants with interactive content that captures and holds attention.

  • Engage participants with a range of interactive tools: emojis, polls, Q&As, quizzes.
  • Foster two-way, genuine exchanges with remote participants.
  • Monitor engagement rates in real-time.
Data & ROI Sparkup

Data to drive ROI and understand your audiences

Leverage your event insights, to prove your events' ROI, create captivating content and grow your community.

  • Capture all interaction and engagement data to better understand your audience.
  • Analyze registration rates, participation, check-ins, ticket sales, and more.
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Reliable, Secure and Eco-friendly events

Sparkup is GDPR certified Sparkup is ISO27001 certified Sparkup is ISO50001 certified Sparkup is Tier III certified
Sparkup is Greentech certified Sparkup is CISPE certified Sparkup is Code of Conduct for Energy Efficiency in Data Centres certified Sparkup is Planet Tech'Care certified

Elevate the experience with Sparkup integrations

Sparkup seamlessly integrates with your email, payment systems, collaborative tools, CRM, Marketing Automation and more, enhancing the experience to boost participant engagement and streamline data transfer without switching between platforms.

Loved by world-class organizations and event organizers